Announcement: the new-and-improved editor is live!

Last Updated on May 3, 2024 by

Here at SampleBoard we've been working around the clock to bring you an updated, more user-friendly and intuitive editor to help you create professional visual concepts in minutes.

New and improved Sampleboard Editor

The following changes has been done:

The navigator menu on the right consists of My Library, Gallery & Enhancements

  • My Library
    • Create new library folders, browse, open and drag and drop your uploaded, imported and saved images onto your canvas.
  • Gallery
    • Browse over 50 000 images by keyword search, creative field or category.
  • Enhancements
    • Search thousands of user-created color schemes, backgrounds, frames, vectors & clipart patterns & textures
Import Upload Images into Your Sampleboard Library

The top horizontal menu bar has changed.

  • The Share, Export and Print functions sits separately with easy-to-use dropdown functions
Share Export and Print Your Designs

You can now sign in and experience the new-and-improved editor. If you experience any difficulties opening or loading the new editor, I would advise you to clear your cache (remember your computer's memory has the "old" editor in it's head)

Since we've launched the new editor today, there are bound to be a few teething problems and glitches. If you notice any, please could you let me know here so that we can get them fixed ASAP.

Happy creating!

The SampleBoard Team
