Pantone: Major Trends and Directions for 2014 {fluidity}

Last Updated on November 26, 2024 by SampleBoard

Pantone Color Trend Fluidity Interior Design Mood Board

This is the ninth and final post of a series “Style, Substance and Color: Major Trends and Directions for 2014″ inspired by PANTONE home + interiors 2014

In this complex and information-laden world, there is a multiplicity of resources that inform color and design directions. More than ever before it is urgent to be aware of future trends as consumers are seeking distinctive styling and considerable substance. Most importantly, colors and combinations must be appealing, evocative, transformative and ‘on-target’. PANTONE home + interiors 2014

This interior design mood board theme based on Pantone’s home + interiors 2014 color trend is called “fluidity”.

Pantone Color Trend Fluidity Interior Design Mood Board 1

Pantone home + interiors 2014 theme Fluidity sums it is up as gliding gracefully through watery channels, Fluidity is the palette that understands the inevitable human need for life-sustaining cool water tones rendered largely in dazzling blues and blue-greens. These cooling hues are underscored by shimmering seagrass shades and undersea-creature colors such as Absinthe Green, Violet Tulle, a blazing Samoan Sun, a Dewberry purple and two tones of eye-arresting orange-corals.

For more inspiring images themed around this color trend visit our Pinterest board {COLOR TREND * FLUIDITY} All mood boards have been created using our mood board creator software,

It would be great to hear what you guys thought of the series! any favourites? my personal favourite has to be MODA - so dramatic and theatrical. But it seizes to amaze me how all of these very different color trends set out by Pantone works so seemlessly together.  It was a challenge to find the perfect images for each trend and I hope I did them justice : )

Thanks for all of you that wrote in to share your views. I always love hearing from you.

Have a pretty week,

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