Last Updated on October 9, 2024 by SampleBoard
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According to a Benjamin Moore’s Color Chats post a recent survey was conducted by House Beautiful. The readers, interior designers and design bloggers were asked to reveal the colors they can’t live without.
Orange was voted most popular by 60% of bloggers and 45% of the readers. Brown was considered an out color by 27% of bloggers but 29% of readers chose pink. When we look at the Financial Global Crisis and understand brown is a color associated with poverty as well as earth and health in the USA maybe this explains why brown is not popular. The only places it appears to be perceived as positive is in Australia where to the Aboriginals brown is the color of their valued land and in the Ukraine where it symbolizes the earth and it’s bounty. In India brown is the color of mourning and in Nicaragua the color of disapproval.
Yellow was voted the most popular color for kitchens and in a close second was white. I understand yellow is a popular color for kitchens in the UK echoing the trend in the US. White would probably be the most popular color for kitchens in Australia. In Europe and Northern America yellow is the symbol of hope and happiness. In Mexico and Egypt it is the color of mourning and yellow is a sacred color in China.
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Blue is a popular color no surprise here as blue is often a popular color choice about 29% said blue was their favorite color. Blue is the number one color for bedrooms a wise choice as it is a restful color and is said to lower the heart rate. Blue is used by many banks in the US as a symbol of trust, in China it is the color of immortality, In Israel blue represents holiness and the South African Zulu considers it the color of happiness. Globally blue is considered to be the safest and most positive color.
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The popularity of purple has been increasing in recent years. I noticed it was a popular color in London during the Olympic Games. In Europe and America violet/purple is the color of royalty. Yet in Brazil and Thailand it is the color for mourning. The results in the Home Beautiful poll revealed 29% of people chose purple as a color they could not live without and 27% of people stated green as their preferred color. 35% of designers said purple was the hottest color right now.
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Green is a global color often used for the military. In Europe and the US it is the symbol of environmental awareness, new birth and spring. In North Africa it is the symbol of corruption and in South Africa it is a symbol of nature. In some countries it is a forbidden and dangerous color. It is considered the national color of Ireland. As I have said before I just love color and I never tire of learning more and checking out new color trends.
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Please note the information on the cultural meaning of colors is from a chart found on the website ‘Color Meanings by Culture’ If you go to the website you will find a link to a fascinating download By Surya Vanka ‘International Color Guide’ from Textronix/Xerox.
Author: Rosena MacFadzean for – concept creation online