Inspirational SampleBoard | Use nature as inspiration for design projects

Last Updated on April 17, 2024 by

Sampleboard Created by Eileen Reiner on Sampleboardcom

'Designers Block' | Using nature to portray visual ideas

We all use design in our everyday life, we just don’t always realise its impact on us! We also know how important it is to get clients and colleagues on the same creative page quickly when working on a project.

Nothing does this better than an inspirational concept/mood or sampleboard. Whether designing interiors, capturing trends or creating colour schemes or themes – sampleboards capture visual ideas.

All of us sometimes suffer from 'designers block', on these days try using nature to stimulate your creative process, you'll be amazed how fast a beautiful old tree trunk turns into the inspiration for your look and feel concept like the Inspirational SampleBoard created by Eileen. allows you to save time, energy, money and the environment by creating digital sampleboards, from the comfort of your own creative space...
