Last Updated on May 28, 2024 by SampleBoard
Interior Designing: Traditional Design
Author: Jamie John
Often times conveying a feeling of elegance and sophistication, the traditional design is an design style that is never out of the question when it comes to considering a particular style for your home. The concept includes classic accessories, calm colors, and antique furniture which are sometimes contemporary or even eclectic.
The Traditional Design
The traditional design has different traits and elements. One common element is the Chippendale style. This mahogany made furniture can be a great addition to your living room design or den design. With its intricate carvings and varnishing, you can never go wrong.
Another possible option is the Queen Anne style furnishings with simple lined accents that are graceful and at times curvilinear. The marked difference between the two is that the Queen Anne furnishing are characterized by shell-like carvings and Chippendales are more elaborate than the latter in that the emphasis is more on the carving. Either way, both designs are equally pleasing to the eye.
Other basic concepts of this interior design style include:
a. Fabric – It is perhaps one of the most vital elements because it shows the intricate traditional designs like floral patterns, stripes, patterned tones, plaids, and so on. Make sure you use a flat textured fabric, like velvet, and avoid shiny ones.
b. Accessories – To achieve that traditional feel, make sure that the accessories are subtle. Elegant accessories like china vases, porcelain decorations, mirrors, classic leather-bound books, intricate frames, and the like often characterize the traditional look. When accessorizing, avoid clutter and make sure you have a proper balance between your accessories.
c. Colors – Do not use vibrant and overly saturated colors if you do not want people to perceive your interior design differently from what you intend. Traditional design settles somewhere in the mid-tone range. As much as possible, use calming colors that complement each other. The color transition must be comfortable to the eyes. For instance, in bedroom design or den design, the transition of colors from room to room should be neutral, e.g. blue-green-cream.
d. Symmetry – This is not a modern interior design concept. Your interiors must be free from clutter yet smooth and elegant. A good example of symmetry, when applied to a game room design, are two frames opposite each other in the middle of a TV set, lights adjacent to each other on the billiard table, and so on. It is also noteworthy to mention that urns need not be identical with each other.
A very unique characteristic that the traditional design possesses, unlike other interior design ideas, is the freedom. Lots of the accessories and furnishings can be selected based on personal preference, provided it goes with the spirit of the design and does not deviate from it in any way. There are even times when an owner can paint his furniture to complement the general color of the room.
The liberality of traditional design provides that personal touch of flavor to one's home.
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