Major announcement: The rebirth of SampleBoard

Last Updated on March 10, 2021 by SampleBoard

After months of development, we are so excited to announce a major SampleBoard update.

Please take note the site will be down on Monday 19th August 02:00am - 06:00am EST 

Major announcement: The rebirth of SampleBoard

Our old interface was starting to feel dusty, so we’ve built a new one from scratch that empowers you to do so much more!

So, what’s new?

  • Revised user interface and improved user experience overall 
  • New pricing plan tier and subscription models 
  • Reimagined User Dashboard layout
  • Brand new visual identity
  • Sleek website design (clean & minimal)
  • Revamped Public profile (designed to boost work opportunities)
  • Instagram and Pinterest integration with Public profiles

Here is why you are going to love this upgrade:

  • Simplified & Up-to-date: SampleBoard is now fresh and modern, providing a stylish and functional environment for your creative work.
  • Cleaner look and feel: we stripped out all unnecessary elements and made everything more straightforward and appealing to the eye.
  • Feedback-driven change of pricing plans: all pricing plans are now equipped with the same features, providing new designers with the extra push to kickstart their careers despite a tight budget.
  • Simplified checkout process: the latest payment technologies, with a strong focus on security and privacy.
  • Content-focused layout: designed to focus on visual concepts, your public profile becomes a valuable asset in your portfolio.
  • Landing jobs on SampleBoard: site visitors can now email you directly for job opportunities. No middleman and no algorithms whatsoever.

New Pricing Plans Coming

Your needs and habits have changed, and our pricing plans followed. You are now able to use all the features regardless of the subscription plan you select. 

What differs between the plans is the number of boards you can create per month.​

SampleBoard Got a Major Upgrade

Your New Profile

With this upgrade, your Personal Information page becomes your online business card, with links to your website, blog, Instagram and Pinterest profiles, but also with an email address (optional) site visitors can use to reach you for work inquiries.

SampleBoard Got a Major Upgrade

You can still choose to keep your profile private, but why would you when it can help you grow your business, attract new customers and win a complimentary membership?

We are committed to spreading the word about your work! The best public boards get featured on our social media pages (the SampleBoard Pinterest profile alone receives more than a million monthly visitors), so think about the potential benefits of simply filling in your contact information for the world to see. 

Your New My Account page

Similar to the Profile page, we simplified Account Settings, too.

SampleBoard Got a Major Upgrade

Managing your Login Credentials, Privacy and Plan Settings becomes easier than ever, stripped of all unnecessary details and distractions. Also, changing your email address is now just a click away. 

Your New Projects page

You are going to LOVE your revamped Project page and its latest feature - project viewer!

The layout is now more content-focused and browsing through previously saved work is much more time-efficient.

SampleBoard Got a Major Upgrade

See all your projects at a glance without the need to open individual folders. Use the scroller for easy viewing. Arrange your projects by Name, Date Added, Number of Designs, or search projects by their name. 

Your New Image Library page

The previous Image Library was a bit clunky and hard to consume, so we decided to shake it up a notch!

SampleBoard Got a Major Upgrade

The redesigned Image Library is easier to preview and edit, making the whole process much more user-friendly.

Completely redesigned checkout process

The checkout process has been redesigned and simplified, to create a safe and interruption-free environment for your creative work.

SampleBoard Got a Major Upgrade

We can now:

  • Automatically update credit cards when they’ve expired or replaced.
  • Securely keep payment information on file (to renew subscriptions or upgrade user plans), all without the need to worry about PCI compliance.

We hope you are going to love SampleBoard’s cleaner, simpler and more modern website and user experience. 

However, this is just the beginning as the biggest news is yet to be announced! To be the first to find out what’s cooking and receive special deals, subscribe to our mailing list. 

We look forward to spending the next chapter of the SampleBoard journey with you, so please get in touch with any questions, ideas or concerns you may have. 

Keep creating and making the world more beautiful one room at a time! 

We promise we will be there to support you every step of the way!



Pulling together professional-looking moodboards has never been easier!
